To order NeoBook 2.0 by mail, please complete the following form and return it to: NeoSoft Corp. 354 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 108 Bend, OR 97701-4631 To order by phone call: (503) 389-5489 (Hrs: 8:00-5:00 Pacific M-F) or FAX us your order: (503) 388-8221 ------------------------------------------------------------------- YES! I would like to purchase NeoBook Name: ______________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Country: ______________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________ I heard about NeoBook from: _____________________________________ 1. Indicate number of units below: ___ NeoBook X $ 45.00 $__________ ___ NeoBook Pro X $ 89.95 $__________ ___ Template, Wallpaper, Samples Disk X $ 10.00 $__________ + $5 U.S. Mail or $10 FedEx 2 Day for shipping & handling. ($10 Air Mail or $19 FedEx for shipping & handling outside the U.S.) $__________ (Dealer inquiries welcome) =========== Total: $__________ 2. Indicate payment method below: ___ I've enclosed a check or money order payable to NeoSoft ___ VISA ___ MasterCard Card #: ____________________________ Expiration Date: _____________ Signature: _________________________ * Please make payment in U.S. Dollars * Checks from foreign countries must be drawn on a U.S. Bank.